Cardinal Farrell Hall

Incident Reports

Incident Reports

Information Report IR 23-113 9/22/2023 12:16
UDPD received an automatic supervisory smoke alarm for the Clark residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-112 9/12/2023 14:05
UDPD received a report of a verbal disturbance at the Haggar University Center loading dock.

Information Report IR 23-111 9/18/2023 14:40
The UDPD SRO at the Highland School filed an information report concerning a student at the school.

Fire Alarm IR 23-110 9/17/2023. 21:35
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Gregory residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-109 9/15/2023 15:50
UDPD received information a former was verbalizing self harm. The former students parents were contacted.

Fire Alarm IR 23-108 9/12/2023 09:40
The school resource officer at the Highland school reported an automatic fire alarm.

Injured Person IR 23-107 9/11/2023 15:30
UDPD receive a report of an injured person. The person was treated at the University clinic.

Suspicious Vehicle with Trespass IR 23-106 9/11/2023 04:53
UDPD stopped a suspicious vehicle. The passenger fled on foot and could not be located. The driver was issued a written criminal trespass warning.

Injured Person IR 23-105 9/10/2023 21:00
Irving Fire Department paramedics responded to campus for an injured person. The person declined medical transport.

Seized Property IR 23-104 9/9/2023 23:37
UDPD took possession of a controlled substance confiscated by Resident Life Pro staff.

Motor Vehicle Theft 23-030 9/10/2023 13:00
UDPD receive a report of a motor vehicle theft from campus.

Information Report IR 23-103 9/8/2023 18:30
A private school football game was observed being played on the former La Crosse field with a crowd of three to four hundred spectators. UDPD received no notice prior to the game.

Fire Drill IR 23-102 9/6/2023 10:03
A fire drill was performed in the Clark residence hall.

Found Property IR 23-101 9/5/2023 00:50
UDPD recovered property from a vehicle stolen out of Dallas Texas in parking lot O. The stolen vehicle was not found on University of Dallas property.

Vehicle v Pedestrian Accident IR 23-100 9/3/2023 14:43
UDPD received a report of a vehicle v pedestrian accident on Gorman Drive. Irving filed a state accident report. the student declined medical transport to a local hospital.

Seized Property 23-029 9/1/2023 22:30
UDPD took possession of prohibited items that housing staff had confiscated in the Jerome residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-099 9/1/202322:24
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Jerome residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-098 9/1/2023 19:24
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Maher Athletic Center.

Fire Drill IR 23-097 9/1/2023 13:27
A fire drill was performed in the Augustine residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-096 9/1/2023 13:16
A fire drill was performed on the Jerome residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-095 9/1/2023 08:33
A fire drill was performed in the Catherine residence hall.

Burglary of Motor Vehicle 23-028 8/30/2023 17:10
UDPD filed a report for burglary of a motor vehicle in parking lot O.

Medical Response IR 23-094 8/31/2023 15:20
Irving Fire Department paramedics transported a homeless person to a local hospital.

Fire Drill IR 23-093 8/30/2023 10:16
A fire drill was performed at the O'Connell residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-092 8/30/2023 10:08
A fire drill was performed in the Theresa residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-091 8/29/2023 13:19
A fire drill was performed in the Gregory residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-090 8/29/2023 13:02
A fire drill was performed in the Madonna residence hall.

Unlawful Disclosure or Promotion of Intimate Visual Material (SJF) 23-027 8/28/2023 08:00
UDPD received a report for Unlawful Disclosure or Promotion of Intimate Visual Material. The Title IX coordinator was notified. A criminal complaint was filed with the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction.

Criminal Trespass 23-026 8/26/2023 13:00
A homeless person was issued a written criminal trespass warning and was escorted off campus.

Medical Response IR 23-089 8/28/2023 23:00
Irving Fire Department paramedics transported a student to a local hospital.

Information Report IR 23-88 8/24/2023 14:00
UDPD received a container with prescription non-narcotic medication.

Information Report IR 23-087 8/24/2023 12:06
Irving Police issued a citation on a vehicle in parking lot F disabled parking.

Information Report IR 23-086 8/21/2023 17:46
UDPD received a report of a water leak in the Clark residence hall. Facilities was notified.

Medical Response IR 23-085 8/20/2023 22:30
Irving Fire Department paramedics were called to campus for an injured person. The person declined transport.

Criminal Mischief 23-024 7/24/2023 12:57
UDPD receive a report of vandalism at the softball field.

Information Report IR 23-083 8/11/2023 16:45
UDPD received a report of a small child with their head stuck in the Haggar University stair railing.

Information Report IR 23-082 8/10/2023 14:10
UDPD received a report of a minor vehicle accident in parking lot O.

Criminal Mischief IR 23-081 8/9/2023 11:38
UDPD received a report of graffiti in the Haggerty Science Center.

Information Report IR 23-080 7/10/2023 13:35
Irving Fire Department paramedics responded to campus for a sick person. The person declined transport.

Criminal Mischief 23-023 7/6/2023 12:02
UDPD received a report of vandalism to a remote campus building.

Information Report IR 23-079 6/28/2023 20:05
UDPD received a report of an email scam being received by University students.

Fire Drill IR 23-078 6/28/2023 10:21
UDPD performed fire drill at the Jerome residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-077 6/28/2023 08:15
UDPD received a report of a sick person.

Fire Alarm IR 23-076 6/16/2023 16:33
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Theresa residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-075 6/16/2023 13:10
UDPD removed a homeless person from campus.

Theft 23-022 6/15/2023 13:29
UDPD filed a report for the theft of a catalytic converter from a vehicle.

Information Report IR 23-074 6/11/2023 21:23
UDPD removed a homeless person from campus.

False Intrusion Alarm 23-021 6/10/2023 20:35
UDPD received an intrusion alarm for the Facilities building. The alarm was caused by user error.

Theft 23-020 5/31/2023 13:30
UDPD filed a report for theft of University property.

Non Injury Vehicle Accident Private Property IR 23-073 5/11/2023 14:27
UDPD received a report of a non-injury vehicle accident in parking lot A.

Fire Alarm IR 23-072 5/9/2023 20:55
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Maher Athletic Center.

Information Report IR 23-071 5/7/2023 09:15
UDPD received a report of an employee receiving harassing telephone calls.

Fire Alarm IR 23-070 5/6/2023 15:56
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Theresa residence hall.

Information Report IR_23-069 5/4/2023 04:50
A homeless person was removed from campus.

Fire Alarm IR 23-068 5/4/2023 01:40
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Jerome residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-067 5/31/2023 13:30
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Trouble Alarm IR 23-066 4/29/2023 15:00
UDPD received a trouble alarm for the fire alarm system in the Augustine residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-065 4/29/2023 14:10
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Augustine residence hall.

Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle 23-019 4/26/2023 20:30
UDPD received a report on an Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle.

Medical Response IR 23-064 4/28/2023 23:08
Irving Fire Department paramedics transported a student to a local hospital.

Drug Violation 23-018 4/28/2023 23:08
UDPD seized a seized marijuana from a student.

Fire Alarm IR 23-063 4/28/2023 01:58
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Haggerty Art Village.

Fire Alarm IR 23-062 4/22/2023 19:28
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Clark residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-061 4/21/2023 15:35
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Theresa residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-060 4/21/2023 13:58
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Madonna residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-059 4/12/2023 10:18
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Information Report IR 23-058 4/17/2023 15:06
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Information Report IR 23-057 4/17/2023 10:15
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Theft $750 to $2500 IR 23-056 4/16/2023 16:00
UDPR received a report of a stolen electronic device.

Medical Response IR 23-055 4/13/2023 22:57
Irving Fire Department paramedics transported a student to a local hospital.

Fire Alarm IR 23-054 4/8/2023 01:04
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Augustine residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-053 4/7/2023 11:25
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Haggar University Center.

Fire Alarm IR 23-052 4/6/2023 20:10
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Augustine residence hall.

Medical Response IR_23-051 4/5/2023 07:25
Irving Fire Department paramedics transported a contract employee to a local hospital.

Information Report IR 23-050 4/4/2023 09:30
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Motor Vehicle Theft 23-015 3/24/2023 12:10
UDPD received a report of a motor vehicle theft from parking lot C.

Criminal Mischief 23-014 3/23/2023 13:05
UDPD received a report of criminal mischief.

Motor Vehicle Theft 23-013 3/19/2023 16:00
UDPD received a report of a motor vehicle theft from parking lot P.

Tampering with fire control device 23-017 4/25/2023 14:18
UDPD received a report of a student tampering with a fire control device in the Clark Residence Hall.

Harassment 23-016 3/27/2023 15:35
UDPD received a report of a University employee being harassed by a person not related to the University.

Information Report IR 23-049 4/3/2023 16:45
UDPD seized property from the wooded area West of the baseball field.

Information Report IR 23-048 4/3/2023 16:10
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Information Report IR 23-047 3/31/2023 11:51
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Homeless Person IR 23-046 3/30/2023 05:35
UDPD removed a homeless person from the campus.

Information Report IR 23-045 3/29/2023 19:48
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Information Report IR 23-044
UDPD filed a non-criminal information report.

Fire Alarm IR 23-043 3/28/2023 00:12
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for Gregory Hall.

Criminal Trespass/ Possession of Controlled Substance X3/ Evading Arrest-Detention 23-011 3/6/2023, 1:25
A homeless person was arrested on campus by Irving Police for Criminal Trespass/ Possession of Controlled Substance X3 and Evading Arrest-Detention from a UDPD officer.

Burglary Motor Vehicle 23-010 2/13/2023, 12:35
UDPD received a report of a burglary of a motor vehicle in parking O.

Information Report/ Title IX IR 23-042 3/26/2023, 23:11
UDPD received a report of a a possible sexual assault that occurred off campus in the city of Dallas, Texas.

Medical Response IR 23-041 3/26/2023, 20:30
IFD paramedics were called to campus for an injured person.

Suspicious Person/ Criminal Trespass IR 23-040 3/26/2023, 13:00
UDPD gave a verbal criminal trespass warning to a suspicious person and escorted them off campus.

Fire Alarm IR 23-039 3/21/2023, 10:34
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the O'Connell residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-038 3/18/2023, 21:19
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Gregory residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-037 3/15/2023, 9:18
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm at the Madonna residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-036 3/12/2023, 19:10
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Gregory residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-035 3/10/2023, 18:43
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Jerome residence hall.

Damaged Property IR 23-034 3/10/2023, 2:10
UDPD reported damaged University property.

IR 23-033 Medical Response 3/6/2023, 20:52
IFD paramedics were called to campus for a sick person.

Abandoned Vehicle IR 23-032 3/6/2023, 9:00
An abandoned vehicle was towed from campus.

Damaged Property IR 23-031 3/6/2023, 7:50
UDPD received a report of damaged property in the Jerome residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-030 3/3/2023, 20:30
A fire drill was performed at the Gregory residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-029 3/3/2023, 20:04
A fire drill was performed at the O'Connell residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-028 3/3/2023, 19:49
A fire drill was performed at the Theresa residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-027 3/3/2023, 19:29
A fire drill was performed at the Jerome residence hall.

IR 23-025 3/1/2023 8:45
UDPD identified a homeless camp on UD property the occupant was given until 12:00 of Friday 3/3/ to pack their camp and leave the property.

Information Report IR 23-026 3/2/2023 16:00
UDPD officers made contacted with an agitated person between the Haggar University Center and Cardinal Farrell Hall. The subject left campus after being identified as a non-student.

Criminal Trespass IR 23-024 2/28/2023, 2:30
Irving Police issued a written criminal trespass warning for a non-student in parking lot E.

Injured Person IR 23-023 2/27/2023, 12:53
UDPD received a report of an injured person the Cardinal Farrel Hall.

Disprderly Conduct 23-009 2/26/2023, 18:41
UDPD received a report of disorderly conduct on the third floor of the Braniff Graduate Center.

Burglary Motor Vehicle 23-008 2/25/2023, 13:30
UDPD received a report of a burglary of a motor vehicle. The offense occurred in parking lot D.

Theft 23-007 2/25/2023, 14:20
UDPD recieved a report of a vehicle catalytic converter theft from parking lot G.

Criminal Mischief Class B $100 - $750 23-006 2/25/2023, 13:00
UDPD received a report of criminal mischief to a vehicle windshield. Teh car was parkied in lot M.

Information Report IR 23-022 2/25/2023, 18:00
UDPD received a report of a person with a metal bucket containing fire walking across the rugby pitch towards the wooded area east of the field.

Criminal Mischief IR 23-021 2/22/2023, 7:25
UDPD received a report of vandalism in the Jerome residence hall lounge kitchen.

Incident Report IR 23-020 2/17/2023, 17:55
UDPD received a report of a person trapped in the Cardinal Farrell Hall elevator.

Vehicle Accident IR 23-019 2/16/2023, 21:10
UDPD received a report of a vehicle accident in parking lot D.

Information Report IR 23-018 2/14/2023, 16:00
UDPD received a complaint from a non-student about a UD student concerning an off campus incident.

Information Report IR 23-017 2/10/2023, 9:45
Irving Fire Department paramedics transported a sick person to a local hospital.

Fire Drill IR 23-016 2/9/2023, 20:20
UDPD performed a fire drill at the Madonna residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-014 2/9/2023, 20:01
UDPD performed a fire drill at the Augustine residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-014, 2/9/2023, 19:42
UDPD performed a fire drill at the Catherine residence hall.

Fire Drill IR 23-013 2/9/2023, 19:13
UDPD performed a fire drill at the Clark residence hall.

Fire Alarm IR 23-012 2/8/2023, 21:46
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Theresa residence hall.

Burglary of Motor Vehicle 23-005 2/7/2023, 22:00
UDPD received a report of a burglary of motor vehicle in the Clark Hall garage.

Theft 23-004 2/6/2023, 9:00
UDPD received a report of the theft of a military surplus jacket.

Information Report IR 23-011 2/6/2023, 4:55
Two suspicious vehicles fled campus from a UDPD officer.

Information Report IR 23-010 1-30-2023, 22:18
UDPD called the Irving Fire Department in inspect and resolve an electrical issue ithe mechanical room of the Catherine Residence Hall.

Information Report IR 23-009 1/30/2023, 10:15
A student filed a report with the Irving Police Department for an assault that occured off campus.

Information Report IR 23-008 1/27/2023, 21:30
UDPD received a report of a section of Gymnasium barrier for the bleachers being damaged by a group of people after the basketball game.

Criminal Trespass 23-002 1/28/2023, 12:00
UDPD issued a written criminal trespass warning.

Fire Alarm IR 23-007 1/25/2023, 00:08
UDPD received an automatic fir Alarm for the Augustine Residence Hall.

Theft 23-001 1/23/2023, 10:30
UDPD received a report of a stolen laptop computer.

Fire Alarm IR 23-006 1/23/2023, 00:05
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Augustine residence hall.

Information Report IR 23-005 1/20/2023, 14:07
Irving Fire Department paramedics responded to campus for a student.

Fire Alarm IR 23-004 1/20/2023, 11:30
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Haggar University Center.

Suspicious Person IR 23-003 1/20/2023, 9:00
UDPD received a report of a suspicious person.

Fire Alarm IR 23-002 1/17/2023, 21:58
UDPD received an automatic fire alarm for the Madonna Residence Hall.

Information Report IR 23-001 1/17/2023, 9:19
UDPD responded to a disturbance at the Facilities building.

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